Tuesday, August 07, 2007

It's that time of the month again... hehe

I think the rain is making mush out of my brain as I've been happily been watching this for 20 minutes:

My other half saw it this afternoon and now I want to go and see it too. Just watching it revolve is relaxing *sigh*

I'm a third of way through the school holidays, counting down the 4/5th September when the monsters go back to Nursey and School, LOL It might mean I get back on track with eveything, including my wips, which are, very oddly, breeding like rabbits.

One wip has been bugging me for a couple of weeks. LOST GODS is an sf romance (yes, I know I should be writing a contemporary right now, but sf and urban fantasy ~ with a good dollop of romance, has me by the scruff of the neck). I couldn't work out why it was so flat. I sorted out my motivation, gave my characters histories, but they were still flat. I couldn't work it out. They were about to die( they still are, actually hehe). You can't get a more motivating idea than trying not to die... and then I realised what it was.

My conflict was external. I'd lost the conflict between the characters; why they really cannot get on. They were happily working together to survive. Bad. Bad. Bad. So I'm looking forward to writing general sniping into the scene *grin*

The other wip, which jumped out of the ether because of the appalling Spike-ness of vampires when they're British (really, don't get me started... LOL), is THE RESURRECTIONISTS As yet I only have a general mish-mash of history, main characters and a prologue. But it looks like it's going to be fun *grin*

I'm also starting the count down to the release of TO SUMMON A DEMON

13 days and falling...


posted by Kim Knox at 4:50 pm


Okay, #1 - I need to know what the deal is with that video - is that a real building somewhere? What's the backstory? (And it is rather mesmerizing!)

#2 - LMAO on the WIP's multiplying like bunnies. That's been happening to me too!

#3 - Congrats on figuring out the conflict. I also am having a problem very similar and reading your realizations is helping me figure out how to fix my own WIP as well, so THANKS!


6:16 pm  

Yep, it's a real building in my home town, LOL


I love the quote at the end of the article:

"Turning the Place Over will be remembered and celebrated for as long as people's jaws are capable of dropping."

Glad my rambles helped you, Bianca I'm in the middle of general character sniping right now *grin*

6:25 pm  

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