Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Celtic Love Knots Vol. 3: Through a Magic Mist

Today Celtic Love Knots Vol. 3 is released!!!
It's available at (e-book)

My story, Through a Magic Mist is featured. It's a time travel to Ireland where Druids, Gods and Goddesses were a part of everyday life.
I hope you enjoy and don't forget to pick up your copy.

Here's an excerpt of Through a Magic Mist:
Damn, she needed a man.
Kelly Farrell needed sex. Desperately. Virginity, ha! Who needs it? She wanted a real man in her life. Not the selfish assholes she found herself entangled with repeatedly.
Last night the Goddess Danu had appeared in her dreams and promised tonight her sex problems would be solved if she performed a specific ritual.
In her garden, she gathered the herbs needed for the spell: three sprigs of rosemary and catnip. With precise steps, she trod the small stone labyrinth thrice. Then crushed the herbs while chanting—“Bring to me, my eternal love. Bless this request, goddess of love.”
Kelly wanted to give her virginity to her soulmate, but after all this time this, he’d better be a fantastic fuck. By the Goddess, she was tired of waiting, damn it! Her spells never worked before, which is why she contacted the Goddess for help. Her lips puckered in annoyance. In the past few days, she doubted her druidic training was the path for her life. Truth be told, it had been difficult to think past the driving, intense horniness that held her in its grasp.
A light breeze stirred, releasing the scent of gardenias. The Goddess! She remembered the same fragrance from last night. As she turned around, not two feet from her, a sparkling cloud appeared and illuminated the twilight bringing the essence of magic. A ghostly figure appeared and stepped from the vapor. He beckoned to her from the silvery cloud.
“Come with me.”
She blinked and his form solidified. The sensual energy he emitted made her gasp from the strength of its power. Her body tingled and warmed.
What the hell is going on? The man is a Sex God. Why is he wearing the amulet and tattoo of a high Druid? She could only stare since her brain refused to function.Oh. My. Goddess. Here stood the perfect man, tall and muscular with the abs of an athlete. She wanted to run her hands over every delicious inch of him. Long dark hair framed a sculpted jaw. His lips were sensually full while his eyes were the color of whiskey.
copyright 2007/Tambra Kendall

Take care and I'll see you next month!
posted by Tambra at 2:31 pm



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