Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bianca - Update on the D'Arc Side...

Let's see... since last we spoke, I had a birthday, two releases (Hara's Legacy and King of Swords), hung out with my editor in NY at BEA, had my editor quit the company (UNrelated to our hanging out, I can assure you!), had an RWA luncheon with another editor, changed my blog template (nightmare!), changed my myspace layout (even worse nightmare!), and decided to submit my most recent work to a NY publisher.

That's a lot to pack into just two or three weeks, right? First, I have to say how sad I am that my editor decided to quit. I know she's been contemplating a change for a while, but it still came as a shock when she tendered her resignation. I wish her much success in the future and know we'll always stay friends. She's a great person!

As for my future works with Samhain... Things are up in the air a little with future release dates because of the editor change. My September novella release - Wings of Change - will not be affected, since that was with a different editor from the very beginning. It's a special anthology, with a bunch of dragon stories in it, so it should be lots of fun! I was supposed to have a release in November, but it looks like that will be pushed back to December now. Sweeter Than Wine is a paranormal tale with lots of action and adventure. After that, I'm not certain how it will play out yet, so stay tuned.

Now about the other things I've been writing... I'm looking for a good home for a very cool space opera I've been working on for a while now. I'm going to give the big houses in NY a shot before I submit it to an epublisher. They have very long response times, so keep thinking good thoughts for the next few months, okay? LOL. The series is related to my Sons of Amber and Arcana novellas, now out with Phaze, only these books are novel-length, with lots more action. I've been working on two stories that are part of a generational saga. The human galaxy is at war with a neighborning humanoid race, the jit'suku, and we first learn about the early skirmishes and battles involving Enhanced soldiers and a few very special women. Later, I have plans to explore the endgame in the centuries-long war, after the great plagues (one of which is described in the Sons of Amber series). I'm very excited about these stories and really hope one or more will be picked up by a traditional publisher. Wish me luck!

Until next time,


posted by Bianca D'Arc at 12:59 pm


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