Wednesday, March 21, 2007

D'Arc Update - What I've Been Up To

A lot's been going on since I last checked in with you all. Working backwards - yesterday I finished Sons of Amber: Michael, the sequel to Ezekiel, which is out now from Phaze. I sent it in and am waiting to find out when it might be released. I'm guessing a few months, but in the meantime, I'm working on a cover for it. I like to do my own covers when given half a chance. I have a prototype cover I've been playing with. Since most of the action takes place on a space station and the H/h are both military officers, I've tried to create something along those lines. The image below is a wallpaper version I've designed to go with what I hope will eventually be the cover. I can't post the cover quite yet, but in the meantime, you can sneak a peek at the general idea of the thing...

I also found out my story, Wings of Change, was chosen to be part of the upcoming I Dream of Dragons anthology from Samhain Publishing. I'm really excited about this story because it takes my Dragon Knights series in a new direction. This will mark the start of a new series in the Dragon Knights realm, and it means there will be a second dragon release this year. Prince of Spies released in February and Wings of Change should be out sometime this Fall. The next installment, FireDrake is scheduled for release early next year.

The most exciting thing to happen this past month was being awarded the EPPIE for Best Erotic Romance Fantasy/Paranormal by EPIC - an organization dedicated to electronic publishing and authors published electronically. It's a very prestigious award and I was honored - and shocked! - to have The Ice Dragon win for 2007. My second dragon book, Border Lair, also won Best Shapeshifter book of 2006 from both Rites of Romance Reviews and Love Romances and More Cafe. Likewise, both sites awarded me the title of Best Paranormal Author of 2006. Wow! I was floored by that one!!! And The Ice Dragon continued its winning streak by winning Best Cover of 2006 from Rites of Romance Reviews. It's been an amazing few weeks, to say the least!

I guess that's enough boasting for one post. LOL. I've been writing a few new things lately and gearing up for my first Romantic Times convention in April. If you're going to be in Houston for RT, please look me up!

Bianca D'Arc - Come over to the D'Arc side...

posted by Bianca D'Arc at 1:57 pm


Great job! Congrats on making it into the Anthology. luvs vampires.
hehehe want more vamps....want more vamps....*ducks from the dragon loves throwing tomatoes* I like dragons too!!

2:36 pm  

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