Sunday, November 25, 2007

Great Blog Post Cancelled

Okay, I had this great Blog post planned for today. All kinds of thought running through my head about the holiday, and being thankful, and my writing. But you know what? I can’t do it. I realize after sitting here for a couple hours staring at a blank page that my cough syrup with codeine brain is not functioning well enough to say much of anything and make sense.

Kind of stinks :). My mom is always harassing me when I talk to her on the phone. “What, you’re sick again?” I work with kids. Different kids every day. My husband works in a pharmacy. Think of the stuff HE brings home. Why wouldn’t I be sick all the time?

So, now that I am done whining, I want to talk about my new release this week. Tarot Card Anthology: Synchronicity 2. It releases on Dec 1 at Whiskey Creek Press Torrid.

Michelle Hasker and I decided to do this series of 22 special one card readings done by a psychic with very special gifts. Every year she is encouraged by the powers that be to give a specific 22 people one card readings. She doesn’t know who they are or when they will show up, but she when they do, she knows they are the ones.

The card is always unknown to her until she pulls it, but it is never the same one twice. It is the one chance for the one she reads for to put their life back on track. To realize that something is going wrong, and they need to fix it. Or their chance at true love will be gone forever.
posted by Tina Bendoni at 10:21 pm


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